Monday, October 1, 2012

And I'd Like to Say...

For those who didn't know, today is our own Bob Robinson's birthday. He doesn't know that I'm writing this blog, and he won't until after I tell him that I updated the blog. He'll probably be surprised? I'm not entirely sure, but this is the best that I can do at the moment.
So, happy birthday, Bob!
I owe you a lot for giving me the opportunity to work for CNO. Letting me expand on the website, aka, this blog, putting up with my crazy ideas, aka, the float in the parade, and still somehow managing to put trust in me for what you need.
You gave me a chance to further my reporting experience, as well, what with the addition of a camera. [And it helps. I might be terrible at picture taking, or what pictures to take, but it helps. It's nice.]
Everyone has you to thank, every single viewer of CNO. If it wasn't for Bob, we wouldn't have County News Online. And if we didn't have this wonderful website, I know a few people who would be a little upset. Just a bit, you know. :p But, seriously, everyone who reads the original website and now, consequently, my blog, should be thanking Bob. And wishing him a happy birthday.
Hopefully you've had a wonderful birthday, Bob. Keep up the great work on CNO! Once again, thank you for the opportunity to further my writing skills.

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