Thursday, October 18, 2012

Get to Know the Blogger

I know that I probably should have done something to this extent when I first joined CNO. But. I didn't. So, now I had the idea randomly, and I decided to do this now.
Get to Know the Blogger/Reporter/Journalist!
Updates below the information, so if you're bored with getting to know me, feel free to skip it.
Get to Know the Blogger
Name: Naiesha
Age: 18
Birthday: March 6th
Occupation: Journalist for CNO and a page for the Greenville Public Library
Colour: At the moment, orange
Food: Chicken alfredo
Song: Down by Jason Walker
Hobby: Writing
Book: Sherlock Holmes
[Favourite Sherlock Holmes story: The Adventure of the Three Garridebs]
Author: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Movie: Third Star
Television programme: Grimm
Video game: Okami
My hobbies...
Writing, writing, writing
Designing various fan items [You should see the shoes I've painted...]
Acting [Although I only ever perform for myself]
Did I say writing?
Watching PBS's Masterpiece Mystery
Doing stuff with my friends that no one else understands
Playing video games
Watching anime
A Yorkshire Terrier
Two Australian/German Shepard/Unknown mixes
A rabbit [named Magic... :P]
Various outdoors cats
Used to have two Painted turtles- one was mine, I took care of one for a friend. The latter turtle can now be found at Shawnee Prairie
Used to have several fish... Unfortunately, parents are tired of fish now... So fishless at the moment
Have you ever...
Drove a car? No. I am license free, still. :P
Been on vacation? Nope
Failed a class? Not a class, but a final exam, unfortunately
Other odds and ends...
I'm not a fan of telly. The television's always on in my house; I dislike it. Intensely. I watch two hours of telly a week- one on Monday for Castle and one on Friday for Grimm. Although, now my parents have Beauty and the Beast on on Thursday and I sort of like it. /sigh
I'm a video gamer. That fact might surprise people a bit. Legend of Zelda, anyone? And Harvest Moon. I also like a variety of video games that people have probably never heard of like Okami, Okamiden, and the Persona series. Zelda is a battle game, although the goal is to save the world. Harvest Moon is a role play game, where you take on the role of a farmer. Okami and Okamiden are fighting to save the world again. Persona is... fighting to save the world... This is terribly tedious, but these games are wonderful.
I'm an Anglophile.
Which means that I love and appreciate British culture and etc. British things. Seriously, I just want a Union Jack pillow and I'll be pretty bloody pleased. My parents are annoyed that I go around pronouncing pasta pah-sta, aluminum al-oo-mini-um, chuffed instead of pleased, and using bloody as a replacement for expletives. I'm into British things that Americans have never probably heard of! I... I'm weird.
I'm terrible with comedy, but two [British] programmes have ensnared me. One is Cabin Pressure and the other is John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme. They are both created by John Finnemore, and I think they're hilarious.
My favourite movie [again, British] is Third Star. I wrote a review on that not so long ago, so I'm not going to repeat myself. But I love the movie. Sherlock Holmes, both movies, are my other two in the top three.
I have a Sherlock Holmes movie display in my bedroom. So, walking into my [very cluttered] bedroom, you see Robert Downey Jr.'s face immediately and Jude Law right behind him. I love it. Haha.
I also like Pokemon. Yes.
I'm a nerd, I'm obsessive over things that I love, I'm geeky and, otherwise, pretty quiet. And a bit boring. Haha.
Now, the update. Only one, actually. I have something planned for the near future, and while it's not absolutely positively for sure at the moment, it will be exciting. And I can't say anything more than that at the moment, but will update this blog again when I find out for sure.
Just be excited... There's a surprise in the making! :D 

Monday, October 1, 2012

And I'd Like to Say...

For those who didn't know, today is our own Bob Robinson's birthday. He doesn't know that I'm writing this blog, and he won't until after I tell him that I updated the blog. He'll probably be surprised? I'm not entirely sure, but this is the best that I can do at the moment.
So, happy birthday, Bob!
I owe you a lot for giving me the opportunity to work for CNO. Letting me expand on the website, aka, this blog, putting up with my crazy ideas, aka, the float in the parade, and still somehow managing to put trust in me for what you need.
You gave me a chance to further my reporting experience, as well, what with the addition of a camera. [And it helps. I might be terrible at picture taking, or what pictures to take, but it helps. It's nice.]
Everyone has you to thank, every single viewer of CNO. If it wasn't for Bob, we wouldn't have County News Online. And if we didn't have this wonderful website, I know a few people who would be a little upset. Just a bit, you know. :p But, seriously, everyone who reads the original website and now, consequently, my blog, should be thanking Bob. And wishing him a happy birthday.
Hopefully you've had a wonderful birthday, Bob. Keep up the great work on CNO! Once again, thank you for the opportunity to further my writing skills.